Mental health is a state of well-being in which a person realizes their abilities, copes with normal life stresses, works productively, and contributes to their community. In this positive sense, mental health is the foundation for individual well-being and effective community functioning.
Mental health and well-being are essential for our collective and individual ability to think, express emotions, interact with others, earn a living, and enjoy life. Based on this, the promotion, protection, and restoration of mental health are vital concerns for individuals, communities, and societies worldwide.
Source: World Health Organization
Dr. Axel Rangel Lara
Psiquiatra & Psicoterapeuta | Psychiatrist & Psychotherapist
Dr. José F. Rangel Araiza
Psiquiatra & Psicoterapeuta | Psychiatrist & Psychotherapist
Mtra. Berenice Álvarez C.
Psicoterapeuta Clínica | Terapia Breve Sistémica
Lic. Idali Villegas
Psicóloga Bilingüe
Enf. Javier Herrera
Asistente Médico y de Citas | Enfermero & Paramédico
LDG Luz María Rocha
Asistente | Staff Member
Dr. Jesús Simón Alvarado
Doctor en Psicología | Psicoterapeuta
Dr. Leonardo Gamboa Sánchez
Médico General | PCP | Salud Mental y Control de Medicación
Psic. Nicole Solórzano Ríos
Psicóloga Bilingüe | Lic. Psicología Clínica
Dr. Ayax Rangel Lara
Médico General | PCP | Administrador
Asist. Nayeli Aurora
Asistente Médico y de Citas | Intérprete & Est. Psicología
Enf. Lily Romero
Other Services
Letters and certificates
Service animals
Continuous care
In-person and online care 7 days a week
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)
Starting this fall
Evaluations for court proceedings
Contact us for pricing
Confirm your appointment 24 hours prior
To guarantee you the best service, we ask you to confirm your appointment at least 24 hours prior.
If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, please notify us the day before your visit
There will be $200 MXN fee for same day cancellations.
Our team of professionals can assist you in English and Spanish.
For more information about our services, we invite you to review our Frequently Asked Questions section.